About us
TYJ develops unemployment security and provides services for unemployment funds
There are 16 unemployment funds in Finland that pay their members earnings-related unemployment protection during periods of unemployment. The Federation of Unemployment Funds in Finland (TYJ) is the training and cooperation body for the Finnish unemployment funds.
We promote the interests of our member funds, work to develop unemployment security, and seek to strengthen the operation and knowhow of the funds.
Our operation is steered by a board of directors representing our member funds. Our services are delivered by our own seven-person team and a number of working groups formed by fund representatives.
TYJ’s chairperson and personell
If you have any questions about your benefits, please consult your own unemployment fund.
Outi Mäki
Chairman of the Board
Aki Villman
Excecutive Director
050 356 7990
Kirsi Ahvenharju
Unemployment Security Specialist
050 410 3379
Anni Alaja
Communications Officer
050 364 6475
Timo Auvinen
Unemployment Security Specialist
050 321 4229
Heidi Eld-Haapala
Unemployment Security Specialist
040 567 1004
Karita Kontkanen
Personnel Secretary
050 435 6190
Juho Salmi
Financial Secretary
050 410 1174
Työttömyyskassojen Yhteisjärjestö ry
Kumpulantie 3
Please do not send claim forms or pay certificates to us. Send all claims and certificates to your own unemployment fund.